Holiday gift-wrap becomes peacemaking mission


Crowdsourcing imagery of what peace means to you — to wrap the world in peace this holiday season.

With all of the political tension, violence and negativity in the world today, we can all agree that we could use more peace, which is why we created Peace Paper.

Check out the feature story in Adweek.

This unique wrapping paper was introduced as a way to spread goodwill and involve the community. Periscope asked people, "What does peace mean to you?" And then used their answers — drawings and expressions of peace — to create Peace Paper. The results have been astounding, with a big turnout at various Peace Paper-making events, as well as on Twitter and Instagram using #ProjectPeacePaper. Collages of the designs on wrapping paper show both the diversity and universality of notions of peace.

You can add your own submission or purchase Peace Paper at One hundred percent of proceeds will be donated to the PeaceJam Foundation as part of its Billion Acts campaign, inspiring 1 billion acts of peace by 2019.

Since the holiday season is a perfect time to share happiness and love with others, we will also be sending rolls of Peace Paper to all of our clients. Our world could use more peace, and why shouldn’t we all be a part of making that happen?